Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Avatar--- an opinion

Luke and I finally put ourselves through the arduous task of watching "Avatar". We'd had a copy of it in hand for awhile and finally forced ourselves to watch it (over a period of three days:). I figured if I wanted to be able to judge it, I'd better watch it.:) We were both very underwhelmed by the film. I can see where in the theater and IMAX 3D it would have been visually entertaining, but the story line was quite melodramatic and cheesy. It tried to be far too political and was extremely predictable. And calling the "element" that the military was after "unobtainium" has to be the weakest link. Are you kidding me? Unobtainium? Sounds like they should probably just give up on that one.:) At any rate, I've now seen "Avatar" and have the right to legitimately voice my opinion and distaste for it.


Alyssa said...

Finally someone who agrees with me! I was very unimpressed with the film and rather disappointed because everyone else I know seems to love it to pieces. Cheesy is definitely how I'd describe it.

Amanda said...

Having watched it at a recent family gathering in which I had no say in the matter, I can join you in being able to "voice my opinion and distaste for it".

Alaina said...

I have yet to see it and it will likely never make it on my "to-watch" list.

sam said...

I agree with all your comments on the plot/storyline, etc. However, as someone who saw it in the Theater, I have to say that I was blown away by the 3D.

I've never enjoyed 3D movies, but this one was handled so differently. Rather than having elements come out at you, they used the 3D effect to make it feel like you were actually standing in the middle of the forest. It made the graphics completely breath-taking, and I would probably credit that alone for the majority of this movie's success.