We are under the two week mark here and getting excited about our new addition. I started my maternity leave this week in order to get some extra rest and finish getting things ready for the little man's arrival. I'm enjoying being able to put my feet up and focus on the final details.
The past couple of months we have been busily preparing his room. Previously our second bedroom had been a guest room/library/computer/put stuff in there we weren't sure where else to put room.:) So it has been quite the overhaul. We got rid of some furniture, organized our closets better and moved some bookshelves etc. in order to make it all workable.:) We were given a few hand-me-down items, so not everything completely matches, but we are happy with the result and it feels good to have things ready to go. We still have a few minor details to finish, but it is for the most part done. We decided not to paint the room since it we are still renting, so we bought a wall decal and some other things to decorate the room without having to paint. Etsy is a great place for decor especially if you aren't sold on all the theme stuff at baby stores.:) Here's a few pictures of the progress-- some of these aren't very good, but you get the idea.:) (also, in case anyone is concerned, in accordance with safe sleep standards we will be removing the crib bumper when he sleeps in there:)